Контрольная работа по чтению. 5 класс.



Dear Paul,

My family and I live in New York. We speak English. My mother is a music teacher. She plays the piano and sings. My father cooks at a caf?. My sister Helen and I go to school. It is near our house. I like sports. Every day I play tennis. My mother likes classical music, my Dad listens to jazz, my sister and I prefer popular music.



Выбери правильный вариант ответа.


  1. What is Alice’s father?

a)     a  teacher

b)     a sportsman

c)     a cook


  1. The father’s favourite music is …

a)     jazz

b)     rock and roll

c)     classical music


  1. Where does Alice live?

a)     in Great Britain

b)     in America

c)     in Australia


  1. Helen is a …

a)     pupil

b)     teacher

c)     cook


  1. The family lives in a …

a)     flat

b)     cottage

c)     house



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